Support the Library

Help support the library’s infrastructure needs through our fundraisers:
Tree of Life:
Thank you to so many supporters who have filled this tree with generous gifts during our fundraising campaign. We continue to reach out to our patrons and the wider community for support, both financially and in-kind, to help with operating costs and to maintain our historic building.

Annual or Monthly Donation
The Orford Social Library is a 501(c)3 and all donations are tax deductible. Consider giving a monthly or yearly contribution to help support our programs, services, collection development, and our building maintenance and utilities.

Endowment Gifts
To both support what you value and provide a solid financial foundation for the library, consider an endowment gift. Please contact the library if you would like more information.

Invest in the long-term viability of the library by naming the Orford Social Library in your will with a bequest or include the Orford Social Library as a beneficiary in your IRA, pension plan, or life insurance. We suggest you contact a lawyer or financial advisor to discuss planned charitable gifts but below is sample language for a simple, unrestricted bequest:

“I give to the Orford Social Library, a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation duly existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire, and located at 573 NH Rt. 10 in Orford, in said State, ____dollars ($) or _____% of my residuary estate to be used for the benefit of the Orford Social Library.”

Donations of new fiction and non-fiction books (this year or last year’s books!) and new DVDs and always appreciated to add to our collection.

Friends of the Orford Libraries

The Friends work to enhance and enrich both of Orford’s libraries. Annual fundraisers include the Memorial Day and Thanksgiving Pie sales, the March Soup Supper and the community phone book. Proceeds are shared by both libraries and help to fund annual passes to VINS, Billings Museum, Squam Lakes and the Fairbanks Museum and special projects.